Saturday, April 1, 2023

Is Genesis 9 a Pro-Slavery Text?

A certain Benjamin Joseph Palmer used it so. More specifically a pro-black slavery text. It has always been taken as endorsing some degree of penal servitude for individuals who behave badly, but not badly enough to merit death penalty. But Benjamin Palmer claimed it were a pro-black slavery text, stating a certain ethnicity ought to remain slaves up to doomsday.

Saying it is that, is like saying Habacuc 2:15 is a prohibition text.

No, it's not.

Woe to him that giveth drink to his friend, and presenteth his gall, and maketh him drunk, that he may behold his nakedness.

I think Kent Hovind has cited this as "cursed" and not "woe" and that online Bibles have tended to replace it to obfuscate the point. Canaan was cursed for serving Noah too much wine, falsly assuring him two pints or three won't hurt, even if he was not used to it. Noah put on him the duty to serve wine - correctly, without deceit about what the quantities would do./HGL

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